How to get there?
Rostock can be reached by train from the international airports of Berlin (BER) and Hamburg (HAM). Information about train schedules and tickets can be found here.
Where to stay?
There are several options for accommodation in Rostock.
We recommend the following hotels:
- Motel One Rostock in the city center, is only a 20 minutes walk from the Institute.
- B&B HOTEL Rostock City-West right in front of the Institute.
- elaya hotel Rostock also in front of the Institute.
The Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research is located at the Warnow River.
Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR)
Konrad-Zuse-Straße 1
18057 Rostock
Google maps
The nearest public transportation stops in Rostock are: Maßmannstraße (tram) and Holbeinplatz (S-Bahn). Information about public transportation can be found here.
What to do?
The Hanseatic and University city of Rostock is the largest city in German state of Mecklemburg-Vorpommern. It stretches along boths sides of the Warnow River, and it includes the seaside town of Warnemünde. For information about activities and destinations in Rostock, we refer to the official page from the municipality here.